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Writer's pictureLost in the 21st Century

What does 2021 have to offer for us? Covid Edition

There are a lot of words to describe 2020. This year has been very unpredictable to say the least. When I first heard how Covid was affecting people in China back in December of 2019, I had a feeling it would have an impact on our lives but not in the way it that it would take multiple of lives. Just because 2020 hasnt been the best year it unfortunately doesn’t mean the virus will disappear.

Woman wearing a face mask

In a way we can also thank Covid as a blessing. It’s hard to thank a virus that has taken multiple of lives but the virus has given us the time to reflect and take some time to our selves and spend time with the people we love. I can’t say the same for everyone as there were some people who struggled with Covid mentally, whether that was being separated from loved ones, feeling alone or being trapped with people who harmed them.

I could say we could blame the government with their handling of the virus, however, we are also accountable for the spearing of the virus. We have people complaining about the Virus and the Lockdown and the government but they are not doing things to prevent the spread for example, avoiding large crowds or choosing not wear a mask. Remember that we also play a very key role when it comes to this virus.

Healthcare professional receiving the vaccine in America
Healthcare professional receiving the vaccine in America

Positive News first! As many of you have heard there is a vaccine for Covid and currently more are being made. I know that you might feel scared about taking it but trust us, if the government wanted to track us they could use our phones, so no!! Please be aware of the many misinformation about the vaccine and do your research for your own not on Instagram/WhatsApp/Snapchat or wherever you might here the information from. Even if you are not thinking of taking the vaccine do not discourage others from taking it. But this new vaccine could mean the number of spreading can be reduced and lower death rates and even the slightest possibility of things going back to normal.

Boris makes the decision to put parts of the UK in Tier 4 couple days before Christmas
Boris makes the decision to put parts of the UK in Tier 4 couple days before Christmas

Bad News! London and other regions have entered Tier 4 a couple days before Christmas after discovering a new variant of the virus which is 70% more infectious than Covid-19. If this virus is given a name it’s definitely going to be Covid-20. The decision to enter a third lockdown is disappointing as this could have been done much earlier before Christmas but recently decisions by the government is becoming very last minute even when scientists have told them repeatedly about the possible consequence. This Christmas is definitely going to be different but what has been normal this year any way.

Like I mentioned in the beginning, thinking all things will come to an end at the end of the year is simply unrealistic as nothing this year was predictable and we are still suffering from this pandemic. Even if the virus chooses to stick around next year hopefully there will be a better approach from the government and even from the public with dealing with the virus.

I know Covid is what we now hear 24/7, but hopefully in the future it can be a distant memory for many of us.

Written by Lost in the 21st Century!

P.S watch out for our next podcast episode before the end of 2020!

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